JCC Seminar Fees |
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Prices for all seminars at the JCC facility include a copy of the course material and laboratory sessions. Each day also includes continental breakfast, lunch, and breaks. The Query Tuning seminar also includes the rights to use the JCC BLR parsing tool which allows more automatic tuning of Rdb applications.
Consult the general notes on seminars at JCC or the notes on visiting Granville for additional information.
JCC offers a special package of training credits for persons who are ramping up their Rdb skills. A package of 20 training credits may be purchased for $8,000. Each training credit is equivalent to the fees for one day of a seminar for one person.
Training credits do not expire and may be transferred with appropriate corporate and JCC authorization. Training credits may be applied towards any publicly offered JCC seminar.
JCC will provide seminars at your location at a mutually convenient time. On-site seminars can also be tailored to your specific needs. Fees for on-site seminars are $15,000 per five-day seminar (for up to ten attendees), plus instructor travel and other costs.
For on-site seminars, JCC provides the seminar materials. The organization sponsoring such seminars must provide any amenities and appropriate computing access for all participants.
Read more about training at your site or send mail to info@jcc.com for more information.
Send mail to info@jcc.com
with additional questions or comments.
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2006, 2007 JCC Consulting,
modified: August 1, 2007